
Jesus and the fall

Love has a name, and his name is Jesus Christ. The only begotten Son who was born to become the only sinless man who ever lived. He was obedient to the Father until death. Our iniquity was laid upon Him on the cross. He who knew no sin became sin for us. He died so that you and I may live.  None of us are righteous. We fall short of meeting God's standards. We all are law breakers. When Adam and Eve tasted and ate what God told them not to, their eyes were open. They knew that they did something wrong. They realized that they were naked and they felt ashamed. Because God is just, he had to keep his word. He told Adam and Eve if you eat the forbidden fruit, you will die. Because of one man's disobedience sin entered the world. Because Jesus lived the life we could not, he could offer himself as the perfect sacrifice.  For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

Eclipse of the Soul

Depression is blind because you don't see any hope. It's blocked by the eclipse of the soul. This eclipse also blocks out all Sunlight to the heart and it grows cold.  Because the heart is cold it suffers from pain. Death and life cross paths and we experience a loss of a loved one. This also brings on more pain in the form of loneliness.  No one is immune from death. Life is a gift from God. We are granted a few years. Life is like a vapor of water, it is here a short time and fades away. In the beginning, death did not exist. Over 7,000 years ago life on earth was perfect. Male and female He created. All life on earth was under their dominion. The animals were under the care of these two people.  Life was a perfect paradise. But that didn't last long. We had unlimited freedom with only one rule. They could eat the fruit of any trees but one. it was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Because we ate of this tree death entered the world. See: (Genesis 3)

HALT for Good Mental Health

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!  2 Corinthians 13:5 ESV Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 1 Corinthians 6:19 As a believer in Jesus Christ, we are commanded to take care of our bodies. Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit lives in you. Hunger: I suffer with major depression. Sometimes the reason I am depressed is because I need to eat.  Anxious, or Angry: Sometimes I over think stuff. Sometimes I feel guilty when I have not done anything wrong. Sometimes I have unrealistic expectations for myself. Instead of focusing on the moment I worry about the future. Matthew 6:25 says; "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is life ...

It's Better to Give than Receive

Acts 20:35 NKJV I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Hi, my name is David and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I have never been wealthy by the world's standards, but I have never went without food and clothing. As a matter of fact, I have been given more than I ever can return.  The Gifts I have Gotten When I was younger, my uncle bought my clothes because my dad was not around. Everything you think about is a gift from God. Over the last two years I have been given a car, two part time jobs, and money donated for car repairs and food.   My Friend Remi Over the years I use to work and I had a friend on SSI. He only made $720 a month to live on. He by my standards was dirt poor. I felt sorry for him. By the time he paid rent and bought groceries he has nothing left. He had a boring life. Eating out was a luxury,...

The Privilege of Life

There is no such thing as true independence. We are totally dependent on God, and we are interdependent on each other. Everything is a gift. We aren't entitled to anything. Freedom and liberty is a privilege. It is dependent on obeying the laws of the land. As punishment a law breaker is deprived of liberty and is sentence to time in jail, or prison. The constitution says we have the right to bare arms, but is that really true?  I argue that owning a firearm is a privilege that carry a major responsibility. There are two things that can take this awesome privilege away. To be declared mentally incompetent. Anyone whoever attempt's suicide are not permitted to own a firearm. Also a criminal who is convicted of a felony is bard from owning a gun and said rights are taking away. There's no guarantees in this life. It's said the only thing certain is death and taxes. Life is a gift from God. Every breath is a privilege that can be taken away at anytime. Life isn't based...

Creater God and His Son; our Savior Jesus Christ

God is a master of arts and crafts. You see his handy work everywhere. He created everything. All life is his. He made people to be care takers of his domain. Everything that has breath, animals that indwell the earth, birds, fresh, every creature large and small were made by Him.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  See Geniuses 1:1 Nobody has a right to do whatever you want. People were created to serve God. He has numbered all our days. He keeps tracks of the number of hairs you got. He knows exactly what you got. He even keeps track of the hair you lose. Not a bird falls from the sky without Him knowing. He wasters the trees, plants and the grass. How much more He cares for you.  Everything you have is a gift, and all material things are loaned to us. We process only process, our money, homes, anything we own is ours for a temporary basis. One day we will die. When that day comes, we shall meet God. He will judge us on how we handle th...

Suicide: A High Price to Pay

Don’t seek death through the error of your ways. Don’t invite destruction on yourself by what you do. - Wisdom 1:12  Life is short. Let's not be hasty. Trying to die before your time brings suffering to you and the ones who loves you. It's not a way out of debt or hardship. You hardship falls on another. The act of suicide is final. You solved nothing. You pass your sorrows until others. It's not fair to cause others grief. You suicide could cause others to do the same.  I might make you angry when I say this but I believe that my suicide attempt was a selfish act. It was all about me. How I could end my hurt, and my pain. I still struggle with depression, and at times I still desire death. You might say it's not my fault. You have a chemical imbalance. I would agree, but the problem is I still have control. The fact is I have a choice in the matter. It's not that I don't have a heart. I do understand your pain. I might not have your same reason, or you might ev...