Creater God and His Son; our Savior Jesus Christ

God is a master of arts and crafts. You see his handy work everywhere. He created everything. All life is his. He made people to be care takers of his domain. Everything that has breath, animals that indwell the earth, birds, fresh, every creature large and small were made by Him. 

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  See Geniuses 1:1

Nobody has a right to do whatever you want. People were created to serve God. He has numbered all our days. He keeps tracks of the number of hairs you got. He knows exactly what you got. He even keeps track of the hair you lose. Not a bird falls from the sky without Him knowing. He wasters the trees, plants and the grass. How much more He cares for you. 

Everything you have is a gift, and all material things are loaned to us. We process only process, our money, homes, anything we own is ours for a temporary basis. One day we will die. When that day comes, we shall meet God. He will judge us on how we handle the things he's giving to us. 

By the way because of this thing called sin, not all of us will be welcome into his kingdom. The punishment for sin is death. Sin requires a payment. Without the shedding of blood there's no remission for sin. A sacrifice is required. An innocent animal without blemish was a required back in the old days in the Holy Bible. A dove, a ram, even cattle or sheep were required. They had to be burned on an alter before almighty God.

Praise be unto God those days are gone. Because the sacrifice was required to be sinless. Not a single person meet this one except Jesus Christ God's only Son. He lived a perfect life without sin. He died a horrible death for you and me. He blood was shedd on a cross. He died and rose again. Because he lives we can accept his death as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. All you have to do is believe that this is true. Those who believe on Christ shall live forever in his kingdom. 

You first must confess you sin to God. Ask for forgiveness of your sin. You must accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. You have a new master. Your soul purpose is to now to love and serve Him. You serve him by prayer and Bible study. Learn and memorize the Bible. This will help keep you from sin.

You job is to tell others about him. Also we are to show love to our fellow man through good works. It's not the work that saves. It the the gift from the heart that counts. God loves a cheerful giver.

To whom much is given, much is required. If you have been blessed with material wealth, you are expected by God to help people.

I am not a minister, neither am I am a professional writer. I hope this post leds someone to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

Suggested prayer: Lord I have sinned. I am lost without you. Now I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I repent my sin to you asking for Your forgiveness. Now I accept the shedd blood of Jesus as payment for my sin. I want to know more about you. Help my friend a church with loving people that will teach me the truth out of your Bible. Help to serve others for your kingdom through good works through your Holy Spirit. 



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