It's Better to Give than Receive

Acts 20:35 NKJV

I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

Hi, my name is David and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I have never been wealthy by the world's standards, but I have never went without food and clothing. As a matter of fact, I have been given more than I ever can return. 

The Gifts I have Gotten

When I was younger, my uncle bought my clothes because my dad was not around. Everything you think about is a gift from God. Over the last two years I have been given a car, two part time jobs, and money donated for car repairs and food.  

My Friend Remi

Over the years I use to work and I had a friend on SSI. He only made $720 a month to live on. He by my standards was dirt poor. I felt sorry for him. By the time he paid rent and bought groceries he has nothing left. He had a boring life. Eating out was a luxury, and he love going to the movies. He had movie passes that his parents bought him. I needed a friend, and I had more than enough income to spare it. I took Remi out to eat and we went to the movies many times. We did stuff that guys do. 

About Remi

I have know Remi every since elementary school. We both have dyslexia. Remi struggled more than I in school. In 1990 I graduated from high school and received my diploma. Remi eventually graduated in 1992 and got a special Ed diploma. He went to Warmsprings GA and was trained to be a stock clerk. I myself went to work at UGA as a utility worker. 

My Friend Remi was unchurched. Over the years I kept inviting him to church. He always had an excuse and he would turn me down, but I was persistent. 

First Bought with Mental Illness

I became very depressed my senior year in highschool. I lost my appetite. I quit eating and I dropped 55 lbs. I was struggling with my studies. I developed blurry vision. Glasses didn't help. I didn't get help until I talked with my teacher Nancy Conger. She took me to the office and the school counselor sent me to the hospital for help. The truth is that I wanted to die, and I quit eating in an attempt to starve myself to death. I spent 2 weeks in the Psych unit at Athens Regional Hospital. 

Roard To Graduation

I was way behind on my studies at school and I have missed too many days in school to graduate. Mrs. Conger went above the call of duty and she filled an appeal on my behalf. My grades were good enough. I still made the honor despite difficulties.

Chicken pox. 

On my graduation night during the ceremony I was pal and felt ill. I broke out with chicken pox at my graduation.

I turned down a scholarship to Georgia State University. I was sick of study. All I wanted to do is work. I didn't think that I would be able to graduate from college. UGA had a job waiting for me. I took.

Remi eventually gave into my years of asking and accepted my invite to attend church. I was shocked that he enjoyed attending. He started going to church with me on a regular basis. We would talk about Jesus. I still did things with my brother in Christ. I would call him up and ask him if he wanted to grab a bite to eat and see a movie. He would always say I have no money. I would tell him that I didn't ask him that. If I wasn't attending to pay, I would not ask.

Awkward Moments With Remi

Remi is a talker, and he has the tendency to ramble on without getting to the point. I attended Price Avenue Baptist Church in 1995 and Remi joined me in attendance of my single adult class. Brother Howard Greer was teaching. Remi began opening up. He was asking questions. Remi would ramble on and on. Did I really want him with me. Sometimes he really embarrassed me. But God was doing a good work in Remi. Remi went forward one Sunday and after what seemed like a hour I learned Remi accepted Christ as his Savior.

I am grateful for the experience. I don't expect anything from him. He was my friend who was lost but now found. The years I invested in my buddy is more valuable than gold to me. I now know when Remi dies, he will be in Heaven with Jesus.


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