Mental Health Night Testimony CR at FBC Elberton

“ Change can come in either of two important ways: Start behaving positively or stop behaving negatively. ” ― Dr. Phil McGraw David McCannon Introduction Hello forever family. My name is David and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I struggled with Mental Illness most of my life. The road to recovery has been a long, slow ride home for me. During my lifetime I had many attempts to end my life. The attempts range from starvation, hanging, or overdose on my medication. For 30 plus years, I have struggled with suicidal ideation. One time while living in a housing program in Athens, GA, I thought about going to the Firing Lane and pretend I was there for target practice. My plan was to turn the gun to my head and shoot myself. There have been times while I was hospitalized for depression, I tried to hang myself. I can name 3 different occasions where this happened. I got caught once trying to hang myself with my belt at Charter Peachford. Also, one time I...