Modern Psychiatry, Medicine, Tools Used to Steal, Kill, and Destroy Lives

Being a lifelong consumer of the mental health system I am not impressed by the psycho babel and terminology people use today. Most people try to impress others by the knowledge of psychology and the use of terms found in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for Psychiatry. The truth is these mental disorders have nothing to do with medicine. The reason why Psychiatry invented the DSM was because medical pathologist would have nothing to do with them. You see there are no real diseases in Psychiatry. Real diseases are discovered, mental disorders are invented. Mental disorders are subjective. They are nothing but a list of behaviors deemed to be bad, or unwanted. These so-called diseases where voted on by the American Psychiatric Association in a committee. If approved it would get listed into the DSM and assigned a number, or code so they can bill the insurance company and get paid. A medical test can diagnose any medical condition, or disease by a simple blood test, brain scan, or some other dynastical tests. It only takes one person to diagnose a real medical condition. It takes 2 people to have a Mental Illness. They are going by what you tell them. "No behavior or misbehavior is a disease. That's not what diseases are." ~ Thomas Szasz MD A Mental Illness is nothing but metaphor. It's a description use to describe something. Spring fever is not a disease. All you have to know is English to understand. A mental disorder is weapon that is always used for the purpose of stigmatization. To control those who are not so-called normal. With the power of law Psychiatry has they use invade the lives of everyday people. They use their power to take away your freedom and it allows them to violate your Constitutional rights. It's one thing to have a disagreement with a friend and they call you crazy, but if Psychiatrist disagrees with you they have the power to have you committed and drugged against you will, especially if he judges you behavior dangerous to others, or self. I believe that suicide is morally wrong. It's playing God. You decided your life was a mistake. You judged yourself being better off dead. You are telling yourself that your life was a mistake. God made a mistake when he created you. Your life may be difficult. Trails and hardship may be a way of life for you. You may be sick and tired of being sick and tired. If you are reading, I can say that you still have hope. God has a plan and purpose for you. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 NLT There is no medical evidence that you are biologically sick. There is no evidence that a chemical imbalance is the cause of any mental disorder. Look up the chemical Imbalance myth. Suicide prevention is nothing but suicide prohibition. There should be a law against suicide. I rather go to jail than to be committed against my will to a mental institution. At lease by law they can only hold you for a time limit according to the crime. In a mental institution they can hold you until you think correctly. In some cases the time can be indefinite. And you can be court ordered to be medicated against your will, or you could be force to comply with Court ordered Electroconvulsive Therapy. The DSM is so subjective, the chances of a normal person getting diagnosed with a Mental Disorder is 100 %. Psychiatrist doesn’t get paid without a diagnosis. They are in the profession of diagnosing behavior. That is what they do. "Going to a psychiatrist has become one of the most dangerous things a person can do." ~ Peter Breggin The Conscience of Psychiatry It would be a joke, but the drugs they use are dangerous. They cause serious brain damage and harm. People in this system don't get well. They become chronically I'll, and die up to 25 years sooner than anyone else. Their medication is high, and they often have many relapses. This was not the case before 1950,s when Thorazine hit the market; the first antipsychotic released to treat schizophrenia. Read Anatomy of an Epidemic, Magic Bullets and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America by Robert Whitaker. Yes, we have a mental illness epidemic in America and its iatrogenic, a man-made epidemic. More forced drugging is not the answer. Many Psychiatric drugs are just as dangerous as street drugs. Studies have shown that the risk of suicide goes up when you start patients on a SSRI Antidepressant. For people who are supposed to be in the business of saving lives, Psychiatry has the highest suicide rates in all of medicine. Go back to 1950’s, or even the early 80’s when Prozac hit the market you will see the beginning or Depression Epidemic that hit America, this is when the teen suicide rates went up, and school mass shootings became common. This was not the case prior to these were approved by the FDA and doctors started prescribing them. Depression use to have the most favorable outcomes of all the mental disorders. Now it is the leading cause of disability. Something has changed, and has gone drastically wrong. Don't take my word for it. I have given you the information. Do your own research!


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