The Gathering Sunday School Class at First Baptist Church Elberton

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

Hebrews 10:25 NLT

Celebrate Recovery attendees welcome, new class, sunday school, new believers in Christ, the ROC, 10:45 am, childcare, elberton, ga, southern baptist,

We are starting a new Sunday school class called the Kingdom Gathering.  We will be meeting on the stage in the ROC at First Baptist Church Elberton every Sunday Morning at 10:45 am. Our goal is to make dedicated followers of Jesus Christ. All Celebrate Recovery attendees welcome. Childcare is available. It is our goal to reach the unchurched, marginally churched, scared of church or have been hurt by church. For more information about our class, please read the mission statement at the bottom of this page.

Extraordinary Living

Kingdom Gathering Mission Statement

To invite our senior pastor and his pastoral staff , and Pastor Eric Lundy, joining with and working under the authority of our senior pastor, to join the Kingdom Sunday School Class to create an aggressive outreach arm of our church.

To create a teaching and worship gathering during our Sunday School hour that will serve as a welcome center in our church for people in our community who are unchurched, marginally churched, scared of church or have been hurt by church.

To lead these people to Jesus Christ, invite them to follow Jesus Christ, teach them how to be followers of Jesus Christ and absorb them into the fellowship and work of First Baptist Church.  In the process to infuse First Baptist Church with saints whose faith story has come from outside the box of First Baptist Church tradition. 

To focus on getting outside our property to look for these people.

To mine the incredible resource of these people that have been coming to us for the last 13 years on Thursday nights at Celebrate Recovery. 

To pray for God’s provision for the expenses of the gathering outside of the First Baptist Church Mission and Operating budget through the giving of participants in the Gathering over and above their current tithes and offerings to First Baptist Church and through financial resources generated by our Celebrate Recovery Ministry. 

Footnote: Our intention is to begin this Gathering with a commitment to pay Pastor Lundy a small stipend and travel expenses, which will be paid through the visiting pastor line item on our Mission and Operating account, but to totally reimburse that amount to the church.

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