
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Privilege of Life

There is no such thing as true independence. We are totally dependent on God, and we are interdependent on each other. Everything is a gift. We aren't entitled to anything. Freedom and liberty is a privilege. It is dependent on obeying the laws of the land. As punishment a law breaker is deprived of liberty and is sentence to time in jail, or prison. The constitution says we have the right to bare arms, but is that really true?  I argue that owning a firearm is a privilege that carry a major responsibility. There are two things that can take this awesome privilege away. To be declared mentally incompetent. Anyone whoever attempt's suicide are not permitted to own a firearm. Also a criminal who is convicted of a felony is bard from owning a gun and said rights are taking away. There's no guarantees in this life. It's said the only thing certain is death and taxes. Life is a gift from God. Every breath is a privilege that can be taken away at anytime. Life isn't based...